Tips for a Good Monday
Monday. In the past they were the reason for my Sunday scaries. Now, my whole perspective has shifted and so has the way I view my Mondays. Monday is a chance for a fresh start, and new opportunities. It is crucial to set a strong tone for your week on Mondays, and I have found that you can easily do so with some of the following tips!
When my space is cluttered and messy, not only do I feel uninspired but it is harder for me to focus. When your space is organized, it is a lot easier for YOU to get organized. Even something as small as making your bed after you wake up, tidying your environment throughout your day, or assigning objects their own home so you remember where everything is. Organization can also refer to organizing in the sense of situating a schedule for yourself at the beginning of the week, and organizing or planning out your tasks, chores, and obligations! To-do lists and agendas are my lifesavers.
I have mentioned on my blog before how important journaling and gratitude practices are to me for a number of reasons. Journaling or jotting down three reasons why you are grateful at the beginning of the week can set you up for success because it can cause a positive shift in your perspective. Journaling on a Monday morning is a great way to get your week started and allows for an increased chance of success and accomplishment by grounding you. Writing down thoughts, feelings, and visions in general is a great way to obtain and reach your goals by better understanding how to proceed, and also altering your mindset in a positive manner.
This is a tip I couldn't wait to share, because I think it plays a crucial role in accomplishing your goals for the week! I have implemented the practice of manifestation at the start of the week by writing down and elaborating on three goals as though I have already completed and accomplished them. This one is a game changer, and I feel as though it is a little more unique of a tip that can really change the overall success and productivity level of your week. I have a lot of Monday tips that propel me into a good week, but this practice is by far my favorite! Manifestation is the idea of creating a vision for the future by putting energy and intention into that vision. It makes it that much more likely to happen and will make your week that much better. Don’t diss it until you try it!
We often become so preoccupied with the thought of our productivity levels that we completely neglect the importance of social interactions. I love to reach out to loved ones and send a text or two to a friend or family member at the start of my week. We as humans would burn out without these outlets we possess other than work, school, and obligations. For this reason, it is so important to not neglect your interpersonal relationships as they offer a great balance in our lives, and connecting with a friend can get those “feel good” vibes flowing for you to have a happier week.
These are just a handful of tips I practice in order to ensure a productive, organized, and happy Monday. Again, Monday sets the tone for your entire week’s duration, so if you feel like you've been in a slump and are needing to get back on track, don’t forget to try the tips mentioned here. I hope this helps!